How to – Cook

  • Boil the water, add the pasta, and cook until al dente. Easy, right? Not so fast. When it comes to cooking pasta just right, there are many nuances that can affect the taste and texture of the final dish.

  • Making fresh pasta may seem daunting, but it is a simple luxury that you can enjoy every day. Follow our guide, and learn how to make fresh egg pasta dough!

  • So you know you love mozzarella's creamy, tangy cousin, but do you know how to use it? Learn how to serve burrata with the Eataly guide!

  • Inevitably, we always have leftover Parmigiano Reggiano rinds. So what do we do with these hard, seemingly inedible pieces? It's simple: we do what our ancestors have always done and we find a way to cook with them!