Once upon a time, a young chocolatier named Luisa Spagnoli fell in love with Giovanni Buitoni, a founder of the Perugina chocolate company, and he with her. The only cloud in the match made in chocolate heaven?
Luisa's husband was the other founder.
According to sweet legend, Luisa wrapped romantic notes around the chocolates that she sent to Giovanni for his inspection. Inspired by their secret love, she began to make her bite-sized chocolates as delectable as her messages: silky, dark-chocolate exterior enveloping gianduja, a whipped chocolate filling blended with finely-chopped hazelnuts, and all finished with a whole hazelnut crown.
Nearly 100 years later, Perugina continues the tradition of Luisa's Baci (Italian for "kisses"), love notes and all, in addition to an extensive selection of other high-quality chocolate confections. The company remains located just outside of Perugia, a hilltop town in central Italy, where the two star-cross'd lovers first met.
And now, you can experience Baci Perugina without leaving town! Findthe iconic treat at your local Eataly!