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Perfect for any steak lover, the Settimocielo Steak Knives by Vietri is a set of four practical steak knives to add to your table setting when enjoying high-quality meats at home. Settimocielo, meaning "seventh heaven" in Italian, is Vietri's hand-forged flatware collection featuring soft and elegant lines.
Use this knife set to add a touch of elegance to your table. Once all the guests are gone, do not fear! The set is dishwasher safe - we recommend using a non-citrus, non-abrasive detergent on the air dry cycle.
Shipping methods
1-2 days
4-5 days
in store
standard delivery
4-5 working days
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This item will be shipped directly by VIETRI and will ship separately from all other items that you order. Orders will be shipped within 3 business days from the order date via FedEx. These items are subject to a $10 shipping fee and are not eligible for free shipping.
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