'Frantoia' Organic Sicilia IGP Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Premiati Oleifici Barbera

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$1,73/Fl Oz 25.4 Fl Oz
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The 'Frantoia' Organic Sicilia IGP Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Oleifici Barbera is obtained by handpicking and cold pressing Organic Biancolilla, Nocellara and Cerasuola cultivars within 24 hours from harvesting. The period of the harvest is from October to November. On the palate, this oil has a gentle spiciness with a light fruitiness and sweet almond finish. It is perfect with Seafood dishes, salads, grilled and raw vegetables, and bread.

$1,73/Fl Oz 25.4 Fl Oz
Price when purchased online

Shipping methods

standard delivery

4-5 working days

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