How to Store and Clean Fresh Truffles

Across the world, truffles are as revered as gold — and are just as rare. Hunted in the wild forests of Italy, the small flavorful ingredient is only available for a few months each year. Happily, right now, we’re in the heart of white truffle season. At Eataly, we have a fresh selection available in our markets and online, ready for you to take home. Read on to learn how to clean and store truffles at home.
After receiving your truffle — and before the dinner of a lifetime — remember that these delicate tubers require special care.

White truffle

Truffles are best enjoyed as fresh as possible, so you can fully experience the full deep aromas and earthy flavors. Don’t wait more than two to three days to enjoy after you receive your whole truffle, and never buy a pre-cut one, unless you plan to use it immediately. (Don't worry: we'll never sell you a pre-cut truffle!)
When it comes to storage, avoid moisture at all costs. Place the prized ingredient in clean tissue paper or a breathable container at room temperature in a dark space. Change the tissue paper daily to avoid the build-up of moisture and to retain aroma. Do not freeze your truffle: it will accumulate moisture and lose its aroma. We also recommend that you store your truffle on its own. Products like rice or salt will absorb the aroma, so especially avoid them (unless you intend to flavor the rice or salt!).
Finally, you’re ready to eat. As your truffle has oxidized, it may have become slightly reddish. This is natural and healthy. When it comes to how to clean truffles, there is at least one certain rule: do not use water or soap. Instead, remove any dirt with a soft brush. Pro tip: we learned firsthand that official truffle hunters often use a toothbrush.

Risotto white truffles

Enjoy your truffle raw (it’s considered a sin to cook the culinary gold!), thinly shaved directly over of a finished dish. We recommend about four or five grams per (lucky) person. Learn more about how to use truffles on Eataly Magazine.

Join the hunt – find fresh truffles online or at your local Eataly! Buon appetito!